Shine For ChangeShine For ChangeShine For Change
Kampala, Uganda
(Monday -Friday) 9am - 05 pm
Shine For ChangeShine For ChangeShine For Change


Our goal is to promote sustainable development and improve the well-being of individuals and communities under the thematic areas of Education, Gender, Health and Social Economic Empowerment.


We envision a world where people and communities turn their struggles into stories of hope, resilience and empowerment. Shine for Change works to make this vision real by helping women earn more, making schools better with technology, and stopping teenage pregnancies. We want everyone to have a hopeful story to tell.


Our core values are Equity, Empowerment, Compassion, Innovation, and Sustainability.

Who we are

We are a non-profit organization working with communities in both rural and urban settings, targeting the most vulnerable to make the world a better place for them.

We love partnering and collaborating with you

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples” Mother Theresa.


We focus on bridging ICT gaps in schools. By making ICT tools accessible in schools, building capacity of Teachers and Pupils, and forming ICT clubs in schools. These clubs help students learn more about technology in a fun way. They can try new things and learn together. Technology is here to stay and we are not leaving anyone behind!
  • Shine For Change

The Sister-to-Sister Project

This project aims to empower vulnerable women. We offer economic opportunities and psychological support to rebuild self-esteem after life's challenges. Services include income-generating activities, skills training, financial literacy, business management, counseling, and guidance."
  • Shine For Change


Our project works to stop teenage pregnancies, HIV, and other infections among adolescents. We do this by giving them the right information about sex while involving the parents. We make sure young people know how to protect themselves and make healthy choices. Our aim is to keep young people safe and healthy and purposeful as they grow up.
  • Shine For Change

Many organizations realize the benefits of forming work teams.

“Team work makes the dream work.” John C. Maxwell


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